Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest

Thursday, January 28, 2010

John - An Inspirational Gentleman

Isn't it awesome how God brings across your path, interesting people who leave you feeling refreshed, inspired and encouraged!  Well today, on my way home from Mallacoota, I met a gentleman called John and he did, just that, for me.

Let me tell you a little about him first.  The story starts like any other.  John displayed a real passion for life, which was wonderful to hear.    John loves to sail and owns a sail boat.  He enjoys travelling and travels to Mallacoota on average once a month as well as taking two trips a year to different places around Australia with the odd trip overseas.  John enjoys his garden and attends a three-day gardening history conference at different places around Australian and New Zealand annually.  

Sounds like your average person.  Well there is something different about John.  Can you guess what it is?    Would you like to know why I found John so inspirational?

John is 93 years of age.  Daily, John walks his dogs one to two kilometres and says his dogs need the walk more than he does.  He drives his car everywhere and said he will only drive 100 kms away on his own from his hometown.  John lives alone and since his wife died four years ago, decided to put on a part-time housekeeper to tend to the housework and cook his meals.  He is bright, mentally alert, loves to read and has many friends around Australia.  This sounds a little like his resume.  Will you hire him?  :)

He doesn't let his age hold him back nor anyone else for that matter.  He is a little wobbly on his legs and has a cain to support him, but this doesn't stop him from living what he loves to do.  He is such a delight.  I believe I have discovered a real treasure. 

Research has shown that the brain should be getting better with age.  John is a great example of this.  We should be getting smarter as we get older.  So the next time you hear someone say, 'You're getting older', reply to them by saying 'Yes and isn't that great!!'

The following two YouTube videos are funny and inspiring.  These two elderly people are living life and not letting anyone hold them back!  ENJOY!!!


Mel said...

Hi There,

Followed the link to here from Sarah's blog and thought I'd say "HI". I loved this post about John! What a gem :) Older people can have so much to offer! Looking forward to reading more.

On the Bright Side said...

That was very inspiring! I LOVE stories about older people keeping their zest for life and healthy bodies. Thanks for the post!:)

Sarah said...

Hey Bron...what an awesome story and how blessed you were to meet him! I love what you have written here, very encouraging! xxx

Bronny said...

I agree ladies. Older people are definitely a blessing. They have a wealth knowledge and experience to that can enrich our lives.

Jeanne said...

What an amazing gentleman!

Jaime Kubik said...

Loved this post! I want to be a ninety year old woman who is still a kickin' grandma! My great-grandmas lived to be in their late 80s and 90s. There's hope for me too - if genetics has anything to do with it!

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